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Texas' first lavender farm is truly a treat for the senses with panoramic views, live oak trees, and more than 2,500 lavender plants.

Lavender London Fog


LAVENDER London fog
(Lavender Earl Gray Tea Iced Latte)

Makes: 4 servings


2 cups tea concentrate 

2 cups oat milk

1 oz lavender simple syrup

Instructions: Assemble Latte

Using the 1 liter jar that the earl gray lavender tea concentrate is in add in 2 cups of oat milk and 1 oz lavender simple syrup (1 oz what I like to use, remember you can adjust this to your taste). Shake well and serve over ice. 

Earl Grey concentrate

2 Cups water

2 Earl grey tea bags

Instructions: (Earl Grey tea concentrate)

  1. Bring 2 cups of water to boil

  2. Pour the boiling water over two Earl Grey tea bags

  3. Steep for 10-12 minutes.

Note: This will make for a strong tea concentrate that isn't too bitter. Once it has steeped, remove the tea bags and allow to cool, then pour it into a liter-sized jar and cool it in the fridge. 

Lavender Simple Syrup



1. In a small saucepan combine water, sugar and bring to a light simmer. 

2. Stir until sugar is dissolved

3. Remove from heat and stir in lavender. 

4. Allow to cool to room temp. 

5. Strain to remove lavender and set syrup aside to cool.

6. Keep refrigerated until needed 
